Dedicated to enhance people’s health and well-being through developing innovating products for a wide range of market applications, including fitness machinery, revalidation equipment, health & sport concepts and supplements.
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We are SED

Dedicated to enhance people’s health and well-being through developing innovating products for a wide range of market applications, including fitness machinery, revalidation equipment, health & sport concepts and supplements.

get to know us

Health Machinery

Smart health


Fitness concepts



Corporate health


Offering the most powerful cardio equipment in the industry with powerful motors, the most intuitive user interfaces and...

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Next to a wide range of comprehensive rehab equipment to help you recover from any injury we also develop highly advance...

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We live in a world where everyone and everything is constantly connected. This technological advancement opens up infini...

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Partnering with SED

Partnering with SED

Partnering with SED means that endless global potential can be reached through sharing ideas, knowledge and expertise. We look forward to seeing what we can achieve together.

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